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Learn a little Italian with the colors of Fiat

Fiat Colors 2014

fiat colors
When you’re shopping for a new Fiat, there’s no doubt you’ve got something in the back (or maybe even the front) of your mind: What color do I want?! Today, we’ll introduce you to a selection Fiat’s color lineup for the 2014 Fiat 500. And since Fiat is an Italian automaker who names their car colors accordingly, there’s even a little rudimentary Italian lesson in it for you! 

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fiat colors primary
First up we’ve got our primary colors (plus one extra).
1. Rosso  – Need helping remembering this name? What’s the flower this color makes you think of?
2. Azzurro
3. Rame  -This actually translates to “copper,” not orange!
4. Giallo – pronounced like “gee-ahh-lo,” sounds a little like it’s English equivalent
Fiat colors basics
Next up is the greyscale. From black to white and some gorgeous in-betweeners, there’s something for you even if you’re not into those bright, popping colors.
1. Bianco
2. Nero
3. Granito Lucente – This one translates to Crystal Granite (the verb comes after the noun in Italian). Granito and Granite are cognates, or words that have a similar sound in both languages. You may be able to remember that Lucente means Crystal by thinking of the word “lucid,” which along with crystal is associated with great clarity.
4. Argento – Translates directly to “silver.”
fiat colors greens
Now, how about these rich-looking colors? These are among Fiat’s more unique color offerings, and they tend to lean green!
1. Verde Chiaro. You might already know that “verde” means green if you’ve studied Spanish, or if you’re just a salsa aficionado. So what’s “chiaro?”  It means clear, or in reference to color, light. So this one is light green.
2. Verde Azzurro. Hey, you’ve seen both of these colors already. Put them together and what do you get (remember to reverse the subject and verb!)
3. Espresso. This one isn’t a cognate, it’s a completely borrowed word. Beware if you pick this one: People will insist on pronouncing it “EXpresso.” But you know all kinds of Italian now, so you won’t join them!
4. Verde Oliva. We have a feeling you can put this one together pretty easily!
So, there you have it! Now you know (most of) the colors available on the 2014 Fiat 500, and you can say them in Italian. Want to see them in their full brilliance in person? If you answered sì, come on in and see us here at Palmen Fiat today! Ciao!