Expensive Vehicle Part Replacements

Three Expensive Car Repairs You Don’t Want to Pay For

So, you’re driving along just thinking about what you’re going to do the next weekend and your car starts to act a little funny. There are few things as frustrating and inconvenient as expensive car repairs, and there are a few that top the charts as some of the most expensive. We’ll give you an idea of three different vehicle repairs you definitely don’t want to make to pay for, and how you can avoid wearing out the parts that cost so much to replace.

Three Vehicle Parts You Don’t Want to Replace

Your transmission has a big job, and issues with it are often expensive to fix. By the time the issues become apparent, it’s usually too late to save it. It is a repair that can run up to $5,000 to fix, as it requires quite a bit of time.
If you want to keep your transmission in good shape, you can help it out by making sure to accelerate at an even pace, and avoiding stomping on the gas pedal. Also keep an eye on your lubricant levels, as skipping oil changes and low coolant can cause transmission issues and overheating.
Cylinder Head Gasket 
Your head gasket works as a seal between your engine block and the cylinder head. If the seal isn’t maintained properly, it will sometimes allow engine oil and coolant to mix, causing issues. You won’t want to pay for the replacement parts or the man hours it takes to pull apart your engine.
The best way to avoid having to replace this part is to keep your engine cool. An overheating engine is often the result of waiting too long on an oil change or low coolant levels. Keep those filled and your head gasket will have a better chance.
Fuel Pump 
Your fuel pump is in charge of bringing your gas from your fuel tank to your engine, and delivering it at the correct pressure level. The pump is easily damaged by metal shavings in your fuel, water in the fuel lines, and by using poor quality fuel. While you can’t always prevent sediment or water from making its way in, you can do your best to ensure that your gas tank is sealed when you aren’t filling up to avoid this expensive repair.

Transmission Repairs Kenosha WI

If you’re looking for a service team that can handle whatever your car needs to get back out on the road, call the service team at Palmen Fiat or schedule your appointment online. Our friendly experts are here to help you keep your car in great shape, and to help you order the parts you need to complete your own repairs.

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