Category Archives: Safety

Issues with flooded car mold Kenosha WI

What to Do About a Flooded Car

What Do You Do When There’s Water In Your Car?

Do the spring rain and summer thunderstorms strike a fear in your heart? Are you worried that one of these days, your car is going to take a swim and you won’t know how to get the water out? Well we are here to prepare you for the day that your car is flooded. What do you do when there’s water in your car? We’ll tell you how to prevent further damage and clean up the mess!  Read the rest of this entry >>

Car sounds that need to be fixed fast

You Don’t Wanna Hear These Car Sounds

What car noises need to be fixed right away?

We drive vehicles that have hundreds of small parts that work together to get us where we need to go. Not many of us spend much time thinking about all these small parts, but it cannot be ignored when one of them stops doing their job. Listening for differences and problems when a car is running can be a great way to tell if something isn’t working. What car noises need to be fixed right away? We’ll give you a few to keep and ear out for! Read the rest of this entry >>

Get your car ready for spring!

Get Your Car Ready for Spring!

Are you excited for all the spring showers and summer flowers in our future? Well Kenosha WI could definitely use a few more clean cars, after all this salty blowing winter cold. We are going to give you our Wisconsin spring clean car checklist for you spring cleaners out there who cannot wait until the last days of winter finally pass. Read on and follow along as we shine things up a bit. Read the rest of this entry >>

Driving in the snow

Our tips for Driving in the Winter Weather

Driving Safely in Winter Weather

Driving any car, and especially the smaller, lighter cars being produced today, in the winter can be a real struggle for many people. Getting traction when the road is slick with ice, or coming to a stop when packed snow is covering the street can make driving an absolute nightmare. Read here to learn a few ways you can give yourself a better chance at driving safely in winter weather. Read the rest of this entry >>

Driving safety at night in snow

Our tips for safe night driving

How to drive in snow at night

Night driving is always a bit more dangerous than day driving. Visibility is a huge part of staying safe, and that’s why we always try to do what we can to maximize our ability to see and be seen. Powerful, working headlights are a start, but there’s a lot we can do from the driver’s seat to make sure we’re driving as safely as possible when it’s dark out. Throw in the snowy conditions we often get during winter here in Wisconsin where our dealership is located, and things get even more challenging. Today we’re offering some of our best advice for how to drive in snow at nightRead the rest of this entry >>

Does your Fiat need winter tires?

Snow tires for Fiat cars

Winter tires for Fiat
The question of whether to invest in a set of winter tires is one that weighs heavy on many drivers’ minds here in the Midwest where we are located. It comes down largely to personal preference, confidence in one’s driving ability in adverse conditions, and the tires you’re currently using. Today we’ll talk about why you might want to look into getting some snow tires for your Fiat car if it’s your main winter ride.  Read the rest of this entry >>